Well, for this first time is quite a while I am actually starting to feel pretty good!!I know, I know - I haven't really talked much lately about my tummy troubles, because I've just been willing them to go away. And in the grand scheme of things they haven't been nearly as bad lately as what I put up with last summer! But then all it takes is a couple of days of not having tummy troubles top of mind to remind me what life really can be like! This weekend, the first since I moved to Victoria, I woke up truely wanting to go out an explore.It looked something like this:Saturday- Up at 7:30am - just 'cause
- Clean apartment, throw out remaining boxes, ponder decorating ideas, clean a little more
- Wander down to the farmer's market to get some fresh cut flowers & chat with a few old ladies who started each conversation off with "oooo... what lovely flowers!"
- Hop on my bike, and take a ride out around James Bay, along Dallas Road, up through Cook St. village, over to my office, back down through the inner harbour, and stop to watch some of the Dragon Boat racing. (note - this is the first time I have riden my bike in probably about 3-4 years!!)
- Hop back onto my bike, ride home. By this time its about 3pm and cooking hot!! So, what else is a girl to do but throw on a bathing suit, grab a towel and good book, and head down to my pool.
- WOW - the pool was such a good idea... feel totally refreshed, and decide to go for a quick walk to go check out an interesting street I passed while on my bike.
- Come home, make a quick dinner, finish my book, surf the web, watch a little telly and head to bed.
- Sleep in a little (was up quite a bit during the night), then finished cleaning my apartment. Today it was windows and counters. I'm seriously thinking about getting a student or something to come in once every 2 weeks to do the stuff I don't like!
- Around noon head to Hillside Shopping Centre. I haven't been able to spend much time in stored (of any kind) lately - it's wierd, I get paniky and have to go to the bathroom and then lose interest. But not today!! Spent well over an hour just browsing the shelves in Bollum Books, plus was able to pick up some other items that have been sitting on my list for quite some time.
- Got home just before 4pm, and hit the pool again for another refreshing swim and a little sun tanning - with a new book.
I just hope that I will be able to keep this up! One of the books I bought was on bike rides around Victoria, and I am hoping to start off slow and make my way through each one. It's just too bad that I'm now starting to feel 'alive' again when the summer is drawing to a close.
Here's hoping for an indian summer.