My Slice of Life

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Friendships always amaze me. I'm truely lucky... dare I say blessed with the close friends that I have in my life.

You know the kind, where you don't have to see each other all the time, or even be in regular contact, but when you get together it just fits. You instantly are back in a comfortable zone around each other. You get each other, even if you don't chat much.

My long weekend was spent with one of my dearest friends and her family. It occurred to me during the weekend, as I watched her get
stressed out around her folks, but didn't try to hide it or play 'a part' around me just how close we are. We don't need to be fake - we are just US, for better or worse. And I realized, in more formal terms that really Natasha (and Alexa) are my sisters by choice.

I unconditionally love them and 'theirs'. Cutie-pie Xander (the photos shown here) is my nephew, even though we don't share any of the same genetics, I don't care.

We except each other for who we are. Which means sometimes we
forget to do things like tell our observations or try to 'help' because in our long history together we've usually 'been down that path before'. But that's okay.

So, like this past weekend, if all we get is a taste of each other, a chance to hang around in the presence of the other person, but not really spend a lot of one-on-one time... well I find it still recharges me. I can only hope it does the same for those two people in my life that I would consider my soul-sisters.

Natasha and Alexa, I know I hardly ever say this... but I love you two with all my heart, and I miss you.


  • Beutiful beautiful baby!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:30 p.m.  

  • Dude, I love you too! Thanks for a beautiful blog. I'm back in NYC tonight, it's really muggy and it's tough being back, but I'm excited for summer. I have to tell you about the trip! I got your bite on Facebook, you'll have to explain what the hell that means, I'm really behind.

    Night soul sista!

    By Blogger Alexa, at 9:30 p.m.  

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