My Slice of Life

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Yes, its another Post!!

Can you believe it?? Here's yet another post from the world of Stacey Leigh... stunning really. Just thought I'd share a little photographic fun from my ferry ride. I love the feel of my camera in my hands so much, the view of the world through that tiny lens (or LCD screen). Why don't i pick up my camera more often? Yes yes... i know, i should really... so I'll add it to my summer list. More photos. What a treat! ... but for now... yesterday's ferry ride.

Me (surprise of all surprises) on the "aft" of the ferry.

My Baker in the distance. I just love the hulk of the mountain against the sky.

Pender Island

The sky was sooo dark, except for a few bright patches... these really don't do it justice!

The sunshine coast mountains in the distance..

That dark ominous landscape that sends shivers down my spine.


  • Beautiful photos, Stacey. The last photo (dark landscape) reminds me of an Emily Carr painting. Looking forward to seeing BC again some day soon!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:37 a.m.  

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