My Slice of Life

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Visitor Blues

I love having visitors! Its so nice to catch up, and show them around my new city. But, there's a flip side to that... its called the "Visitor's Blues."

Its the anticlimax of having people here - because then they leave. Then suddenly there's now one around to entertain but myself, and in all honesty sometimes I'm a hard person to entertain! (tee hee)

I see myself staying in Victoria for quite a while. I've more or less embraced that idea, and have realized that I'll probably end up staying over here for at least four or five years. And then, say I meet 'someone', well I just might end up staying for good.

But this in between stage of just arriving and not yet being settled is starting to wear on me a little. And I have happily had it filled with visits from friends and family. But then they hop on a ferry and leave.

Maybe its because I am PMSy, or maybe because I had a hard week at work, or maybe because its a long weekend. But Alexa & Charlie's departure was too quick, their visit too short (although what a fantastic, fun visit it was!!).

That anticlimax... it hits like deep thunder... and I get intensly lonely. I guess their departure serves as a reminder that i don't yet have people to just call up and hang out with here. And I knew it would be like this, and its really not the end of the world. But it is lonely.

One thing I've learned... keeping busy only keeps the Visitor's Blues at bay for so long. It's sort of like being a "Visitor Junkie" because now I am jonsing for my next hit. It's a good thing I only have to wait until next weekend =)


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