My Slice of Life

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunshine & Raindrops

What a great weekend!

Just got in from dropping CB off at the ferry. It was a really nice low key visit - right up my alley. Here's the lowdown:

9:45 picked her up from the ferry and decided to take the very scenic route home via Brentwood Bay and Cordova Bay, then all along Beach drive. Grabbed fish & chips and ate them at Willows Beach - it was a little windy and chilly, but still a lot of fun!
Dropped off her stuff at my place, sat around and chatted and then decided it was time for another adventure.
Drove up to Govenor House and wandered around the gardens - very nice, but a little boring. Hopped back into the car, headed back on the road. Decided to drive up through Sooke to French Beach... was a great drive and my car seemed happy to do it (mind you at one point I stopped to fill up my tires!).
Got out at French Beach and wandered for a while, then headed back home.
Had dinner at Santiago's (an old haunt from UVic days, and handily just around the corner from my place!). Chowed down on spaghetti squash and muscles.... YUM!!
Got home, threw in the movie Weather Man - have you seen it?!?! If not, Don't Bother!! It's aweful!

Had breakfast at the Day's Inn - just 'cause.
Hit the mall - and bought bambo for my office.
Stopped at some farmer's markets on the way back from the ferry to do my grocery shopping.

I've gotta say - its pretty cool to have friends that are both 10 years younger than me, and 10 years old. Gives life such variety! And you hardly notice the difference when you are hanging out one on one. Until, well you throw in a "Summer of '94" mixed tape into the tape deck of my car and regail your pal with the stories from 3rd year at University that the tape reminds you of - only to have the other person say "ya, I was in grade 5 in 1994" - OMG!!! ha ha ha...

Here's some of my favorite pics from our adventures!
Pretty Pebbles at French Beach

Christina looking out at the view (French Beach)

Flower Power!

Pond at Govenor House

Saturday, July 29, 2006

One Month Anniversary & Visitors!!!!

As of yesterday I've been living in Victoria and at my new job for a month.

In some ways it feels like it has been a lot longer - especially when it comes to work. But I think that's largely due to the fact that I had to just jump right in and work. However I am still struggling to figure out who's who, and what ALL those ackronyms stand for!!!!!

My apartment is still basically in the same shape it was a couple of days after I moved in. I haven't put up any pictures yet, and still have a pile of collapsed boxes sitting in my living room. Why?? Well (1) I'm lazy, but (2) I'm still not sure if I am going to be staying at this location. Don't get me wrong, I really like it here - but the rent is pretty expensive, and I could probably find something smaller for less money.

It's this huge debate that I am having. Do I move and save more money? or Do I stay here for a while and basically enjoy my location but live pay cheque to pay cheque. One of the major resistance factors is that i just plain don't want to pack up and move again - not to mention look for a place!!!

Sigh ... I guess the debate will just have to go on a little longer.

In about 30 mins I am heading out to the ferry to pick up Christina!! YIPEEEEEEE a Visitor!!! She's just coming over for the night, but I'm really excited to have a friend come over.

AND THEN! Alexa and Charlie are coming over for the night this thursday. They weren't too sure if they would make it over, but they are.... YAHOOO!!! The only sucky part is that I am not able to take friday off, so will only really see them for the evening. But it will be nice none-the-less.

And why can't I take friday off?!?!? Well, for the next week I am going to be "Acting Director" for our branch while my boss is on holidays. Can I just say that I find this hillarious and daunting all in the same moment! What exactly does that mean? Well, I am on call with our Deputy Minister and business leaders for any issues that come up, and I have a feeling its going to be quite the week because they just announced a major re-org and lots of leaders have questions.

Should be interesting.

Anyhow... time to hop into the ol' car and head out to the ferries.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Ferry Rides are Great Things

I was in Vancouver over the weekend, visiting with friends and taking a class. It's funny, 'cause I LOVE Vancouver, but I didn't get those pangs of "I want to be back here" - I guess that's a good thing!

Anyhow, it was a great, but too short weekend! And all I have to say is that I seem to have the best luck on the ferry. Again today we had a pod of killer whales that swam right past the ferry. And we also passed by Pender Island, where a forest fire was taking place.

Here's some pics:

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Momma

It's my mom's birthday today! HAPPY HAPPY B-DAY MOM!!!!!!!!!

The 'Rents were over this weekend for a visit. It was a really nice (but short) visit, and I got to try out my guest bed. Which I am happy to report is very comfy!! So the "Victoria Guest House" is now officially open to all friends and family. Just give advance notice =)

I've been meaning to write in here for a while, but have been having major fights with my body. Last weekend I put out my back, and am only now starting to feel ok again (the muscle relaxants sure do help!!).

So, the quick and dirty version.
Apartment - It's huge, and has so much storage space!!! Gorgeous views that I haven't gotten over yet, and I'm really happy in it. But its expensive, and I really need to think down the road if I want to be paying this level of rent.
The Job - I'm really really really enjoying it. So far I've been working on some great projects, and I really like my boss and team. I keep pinching myself to see if this is all real!!!
Life in Vic - It's laid back, sunny and breezy. I've been a little lonely, but I think I would be feeling the same way if I were still in Vancouver. Its really just a matter of starting to get out there and do things and meet people. And having people come and visit!!! The nice thing is that I can see myself living here for a while.

So, that's the quick and dirty - more + photos in upcoming posts.