My Slice of Life

Saturday, July 29, 2006

One Month Anniversary & Visitors!!!!

As of yesterday I've been living in Victoria and at my new job for a month.

In some ways it feels like it has been a lot longer - especially when it comes to work. But I think that's largely due to the fact that I had to just jump right in and work. However I am still struggling to figure out who's who, and what ALL those ackronyms stand for!!!!!

My apartment is still basically in the same shape it was a couple of days after I moved in. I haven't put up any pictures yet, and still have a pile of collapsed boxes sitting in my living room. Why?? Well (1) I'm lazy, but (2) I'm still not sure if I am going to be staying at this location. Don't get me wrong, I really like it here - but the rent is pretty expensive, and I could probably find something smaller for less money.

It's this huge debate that I am having. Do I move and save more money? or Do I stay here for a while and basically enjoy my location but live pay cheque to pay cheque. One of the major resistance factors is that i just plain don't want to pack up and move again - not to mention look for a place!!!

Sigh ... I guess the debate will just have to go on a little longer.

In about 30 mins I am heading out to the ferry to pick up Christina!! YIPEEEEEEE a Visitor!!! She's just coming over for the night, but I'm really excited to have a friend come over.

AND THEN! Alexa and Charlie are coming over for the night this thursday. They weren't too sure if they would make it over, but they are.... YAHOOO!!! The only sucky part is that I am not able to take friday off, so will only really see them for the evening. But it will be nice none-the-less.

And why can't I take friday off?!?!? Well, for the next week I am going to be "Acting Director" for our branch while my boss is on holidays. Can I just say that I find this hillarious and daunting all in the same moment! What exactly does that mean? Well, I am on call with our Deputy Minister and business leaders for any issues that come up, and I have a feeling its going to be quite the week because they just announced a major re-org and lots of leaders have questions.

Should be interesting.

Anyhow... time to hop into the ol' car and head out to the ferries.


  • Sucky part? What are you 12 again?!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:13 p.m.  

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