My Slice of Life

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Wild Dreaming, and other thoughts

I'm not too sure what it is, but for the last few weeks I am been having vivid, wild dreams. Maybe its something to do with getting busy again, or maybe its just something in the water at school... but every night is a different adventure!!!

Take last night for example. A number of my classmates and I were tasked with a project interviewing people about what they do (simple enough, right? seeing as this is actually a project that we have to do). Well the people that we were assigned too were a tribe of nomadic people in africa. So off we went in search of them. Now, my dream involved the bumpy ride through the dessert, being chased by an elephant, seeing gazelle and lions. Pretty cool. We finally found this tribe and set about trying to build a relationship with them in order for them to be comfortable enough with us to talk about their activities. Well, it turned out that they were actually an ancient tribe of aliens!!! They had been stranded on earth a long time ago, and weren't supposed to mix with the human population hence their nomadic nature. Once we found this out they refused to let us go home - for fear of us telling the world about their secret. So, then my dream moved on to us trying to escape across the dessert to safety.

And thats just a sample of the many things that dance through my head at night!!!!

It's also intruiging how we sometimes get hooked on wanting things that we either really shouldn't want, or just can't have. I'm in one of those situations right now. And believe me, I am trying to be good and not think about it, trying not to want it, trying not to go after it. But its just soooo gosh darn hard!!! Filling up my schedule might do me some good - I just took on another small project facilitating 3 workshops on research skills for 1st year students.

BUT my question is this, how do you go about determining if its worthwhile to strive to achieve what you want, or to throw in the towel?


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