My Slice of Life

Monday, August 29, 2005

Dog Days of Summer

The count down begins to the day I lose my freedom again.
3 days until the end of work... 8 days left until I am back at school ... including weekends. The weather better be nice to me!

Tonight was perfect.

Wandered down to Kits beach with the plan to shoot some hoops (need the practice) - but the courts were full and I couldn't figure out who was the guy from my upcoming team that I was supposed to be meeting up with. I watched for a bit... then moved onto a beach in the sun to watch the volleyballers. There's just nothing like watching a great volleyball game in setting sun.

Ok... its even better when to "talented" boys decide to share your bench and you all strike up a conversation. Nice. Funny thing is... these guys were too deep... we shared a few quick banters... but there were into heavy 'needing to talk about relationship' mode and so soon became absorbed in figuring out if some chic one of them is dating was a good thing or bad. WOW... all I can say is that they were totally talking like chicks!!!

I left them to their deep-chat and tucked my nose into my book. Sat. Enjoyed the scenery. Watched the sunset. Then went for a long walk home.



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