My Slice of Life

Monday, July 25, 2005

I'm a Crazy Belly-Dancing Lady

Well... today I took the plunge.

I opened pandora's box and signed myself up for my very first belly-dancing show! OMG - am I insane??!?!?!? (don't answer that). It's going to be on August 24th - CRAZINESS!! That only leaves a few weeks. So, I guess I'll be spending a bunch of time practicing my shimmies.

It's all very exciting. I must say that I'm starting to feel like me again. And its sooooo nice!! For a couple of weeks my health was consuming all of my energy, but now I have a little bit extra to give to other things! Yipeee!!! I'm hoping that it just keeps getting better and better.

The funny thing is that I've hit a point where I've had 2 months off from school and now I am ready to just get back to it. Yet there's still another month. I think part of it has to do with the fact that work has been fairly quiet (and boring). I've been fairly antsy about it all over the last couple of days. The faster we get to it, the faster we are done and can get out into the real work world. I've been thinking about next year a lot too. Curious about where I am going to end up (location and company). Not to mention the type of job I am going to end up in!! I really need to start thinking about what I am going to want to do workwise because I want to start shopping around in december.

Well, off to dream about it all!


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