My Slice of Life

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Carb Specific Diet

So, I've officially been following the Specific Carb Diet for a week now.

It's actually been easier than I imagined to adhere to but so far I am not seeing any marked results in terms on improved BMs. Although from reading posts online, I think I skipped the introductory stage of the diet, and that's why I am finding it so much easier!! (oops!) I guess I am going to have to suck it up and go on the stricter version of the diet for the next week.

For the last week I have been very contently eating:
- Almond flour break - toasted
- steak
- stirfries
- frozen blueberry & pinapples blended with almond milk (makes ice cream!)
- raw almonds
- baked apples (didn't react all too well to these)
- and of course, sashimi

So... now I will be focusing on making myself some chicken soup and homemade yogurt (per the SCD diet), continue with the steaks, and try to manage to eat some dry curd cottage cheese (that's going to the be tough part).

I'm really hoping that I will be able to get my BMs back under control enough to be able to get some sort of excercise regime going again. My goal is to get to that place in 2-3 weeks. Its all about the small steps.

I went through a crazy 'clean out my kitchen cubords' phase today, and have rid my apartment of any non-SCD friendly foods. To say the least, my cubboards are very bare! But, at least it will stop me from cheating.

I am starting to wonder is whether I am stubborn. Ok - to those who know me I am sure you are just shaking your head and saying... "YES" ... but I mean stubborn in terms of letting other people take care of me. From everything I've read online, many people go to the hospital when their symptoms are like mine. That leaves me to the think that maybe I should be doing this too so that I can get some real help... but then I realize that I am still functioning alright so I shouldn't tax the system. Is this a bad way to look at it all?


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