My Slice of Life

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Garage Sales

Yesterday was my mom's birthday.

Did we spend it going for a nice brunch? - No. A nice walk on the beach? - No.... Nope... instead we helped out one of her friend's hold a garage sale. It was pouring first thing in the morning, so it didn't look too promising. However the sun came out around noon, and dried up everything. I can't really complain about it because I made over $100 and got rid of some of the clutter from my apartment.

Today looks like its going to be sunny and gorgeous, so I am hoping to get down to Kits pool for a swim, and then a little lounging in the sunshine. It's also the first meeting of my friend's book club. Even though I don't think I am going to join, I might just go over and hang out anyhow. We'll see where the day takes me. And, like all weekends, my apartment is crying out to be cleaned.... silly apartment.

For the body side of things:
Tomorrow morning I am going in to see the head of medicine (or something like that) at the UBC Hospital. As much as I don't like doctor's, I'm really looking forward to this appointment because I am hoping that he will be able to help me out. He's gotta be able to give me some new insight, right?

Yesterday was the best tummy day I've had in a long time. It was very exciting. I got to spend the whole day at the garage sale without dash in and out of the house. But in the evening I developed my headache-sick to the stomach thing. So strange. But I got a normal day out of it!!! =)


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