My Slice of Life

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Keeping Chilled

Keeping Chilled
It's just been one of those kinds of weeks where the days seems to slip by without effort.

The weather is still being very un-summer like, and I am growing more and more convinced that summer has come and gone and we are now into the early stages of fall (although I really hope thats not the case!!)
Luckily the sun peaked out of the clouds just in time for our spring volleyball finals on wednesday night. Somehow our team has managed to make it into the mid-zone of the top league (I assure you this is some sort of fluke!!) and so our finals saw us up against teams that were quite challenging to play. We lost 4 games (and its WAY too embarrasing to disclose some of the scores!!) and actually won one!!! ALRIGHT! Now we have a week off before the summer season begins. I can't wait!

Not sure why, but I've been missing my pals a lot this past week. Sometimes its hard having your closest friends spread out across the globe (and then its great when you want to travel!!). I've also been thinking a lot about where life is going to take me next year when I am finished my program. I had been convinced that staying in Vancouver is what would work best for me... but what if I get offered a job elsewhere? Traveling / moving might be interesting too!! That might just go in with my desire to move out of my apartment building though.

Well, I am going to go back to watch the LIVE 8 concert highlights. If you haven't signed the petition yet, I STRONGLY urge you to take a look or


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