My Slice of Life

Saturday, June 25, 2005

What a Busy Week

Wow - last week was certainly busy!!
Work had me slammed with paper work and a big meeting that I was preparing for and then attending. I must say it was certainly very interesting and educational to be able to sit in on a group of the company's VPs and Directors talking about their workforce planning. Nice to see the stuff I am learning at school actually put into action!
Aside from work, I've been getting in as much outdoors time as I can. I've spent most night down at Jericho beach enjoying walks (and volleyball of course!). Here are some photos that I've taken over the last week. The sepia colored ones were taken looking though my sunglasses - I'm pretty impressed by how they turned out.
Today is all about catching up on cleaning, laundry, and errands. Luckily its not super sunny out, so there's no guilt in staying indoors

Saturday, June 18, 2005

What to do? Where to go?

What to do? and Where to go?
I went and saw the new Batman movie last night with Kim, Maggie, and Maggie's friend Megan. It impressed me more than I thought it would. It had a well thought out storyline, well developed characters, and some good action scenes. There were a few obvious holes to the story, and it doesn't seem like they've left any room for sequals, because it ends where the first movie began. All in all it was an enjoyable time
Lately, my mind has been focusing a lot on meeting someone new. Evereything is telling me its time, but, the question is, just how and where do I do that? Sure, volleyball can give me some crushes, but so far nothing that can be followed through on... although meeting someone with that in common would be nice! So, where else? Clubs? - not my scene. Online dating? - tried it but I don't seem to do well with not meeting the person in person right off the top. ... and this is point where I get lost. Where else is there to meet people? Through friends? Taking a course? Joining another sports team?
It's so rare that I get that butterfly feeling, and such an exciting feeling when it happens. So exciting that i think it drives people to look for it. So I guess I'm just going to have to continue on this quest. But not actively or aggressively, of course, because don't they say that the right person comes along when you aren't even looking for it?!?!?

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Another Great Week

Well, my regular postings seem to come once a week after volleyball.
It's been another great week. Had a fairly busy weekend, and got out for a lovely walk. On monday night I went to my first yoga class, which ended up being 2 hours long!!! Yikes! Afterwards I went for an 1.5 hour walk. Ok - so I was sore after, back achy, but it is sooooo nice to have time to be active again
On tuesday I attended our first AGM of ISPI. The event was focused on Career Changing and a new term called, Questers. Questers are people that voluntarily change their careers and jobs in a quest for fulfillment. WOW - now I know how to define myself!!! The AGM part went smoothly, and I'm on the executive board for another year.
And of course, volleyball was great, as always! Unfortunately, Amy has now left for work for the summer and her absense was noted. We have two new full-time members and so last night was all about our team getting used to our new make-up. All in all, we played fairly well.
Afterwards, another great night of drinks and chats.
I'm just loving this whole freedom from school thing!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

I went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith last night.
Its been getting a lot of hype, so I kind of figured that it wouldn't be all that grand, but it was!! The story line is fun and simple, lots of action, and one liners! Plus, there's great chemistry btwn Angelina and Brad. I definately recommend going to see it!

Gaggle of Girls

It was Maggie's brithday dinner tonight, so I got a chance to hang out with a bunch of girls from my program.
We went to Moxie's on Broadway (new location, and highly recommendable). It's so much fun just hanging out!! Yes, this does seem to be my theme for this week!! But 'gosh darn it' its a damn good theme to have!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow (weather dependant) I am going to once and for all clean out my dumpy apartment and get it back into working order. I have a canvas that I want to work on, and no where to paint!! Ack!!! So this just has to get done!
Well, off to a good book and bed.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

V-Ball & Interesting Conversations

Well - tonight was volleyball night (yahoo!!)
Even on cool, cloudy nights I love it! Ok - so I wasn't in top form tonight, but its so much fun getting out and having a laugh with a bunch of great people.
After V-Ball tonight, Amy, Kevin and I all went to the Naam (my selection). It was a blast!! We talked about all sorts of shit (probably in a little more detail than we sometimes wanted to know - oops). I think I enjoyed it more that the time on the court. ha ha ha... It's just so nice to be around genuine people and have great conversations!!! Now I am craving more!!
It was Amy's last night playing before heading off to coach for the summer. BOO - who's going to be my playmate now!?!?! Any takers?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Its day 3 of this whole ‘eating healthy’ regime and man-o-man are the sugar jitters kicking in!!! Not to mention work is very slow today – which mean I have had more time to think about it, and day-dream about stuffing my face full of yummy fresh baked goodies (my current soft spot).

Have I spoken about my new job yet? Let’s see – Our office is located downtown, a direct bus route from home. NICE!! Not to mention that if I ever feel so inclined, and I will at some point this summer, I can walk home! I am the Admin Assistant in the HR department. This means basically I am a glorified Girl Friday, but with some neat projects to boot. I’ve been put in charge of creating an internal website for the Diversity & Equity department, and am on a committee that oversees the Aboriginal Employment Partnership Initiative details within the company, and do job postings etc. So far it’s kept me pretty content and busy and I am sure I will learn a lot during the summer.

Here’s the kicker – our office is in Royal Centre – which houses a lovely food court that includes Starbucks, Tim Horton’s and Cookies-by-George. For a girl who’s trying desperately to ‘be good’ this offers a daily reminder of the yummy temptations that are out there!! The plus side is that there is a Jugo Juice, where I can get yummy veggie juice blends!

The bonus to our office’s location – it’s surrounded by lots of law firms etc, which means lots of nice men in suit’s to keep one’s mind off of a grumbling tummy. ALRIGHT!! Ha… Ha… and I don’t even have to resist that temptation if I don’t want to!!

The other need for resistance comes from my desire to shop – and the surrounding stores that tempt me. But after spending 2 years on a limited budget, I am finding that this is not too big of a challenge.

Tonight I am off to a pow-wow session of Sask’s bride’s maids – should be fun

Monday, June 06, 2005

Thank godness for nice hotel staff!

It's official Ms. Mitchell is a space-cadet... yes, I know there were rumors before, but now it is a hard cold fact.
Apparently in March, I made a reservation for a suite at the Hotel Vancouver for Jon's birthday. I vaguely remember thinking about renting a room and having people meet there first before going for a night out on the town, but don't remember actually booking something. I'm sure I never booked it! I would remember something like that!!! But I apparently did... and then I forgot about it. So, on the evening of May 21 no one showed up for the room, and I was charged for the no-show. Charged a whopping $600!! (I still have NO CLUE what room I booked, but it must have been a suite) I spent a good deal of today thinking "there goes my spending money for the summer" *sigh*
But - then I came across their lovely Reservations Manager, who is refunding me the money as it could have been a computer error and booked me by mistake. Woohoo!!! I have spending money again

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Turning a New Leaf

Well, today is the first day of regaining healthy habits!!!

No more putting it off!! Back to only good foods, supplements, and excercise.... YOWZERS!! On friday I signed up for a membership at the YWCA, which is just across the road from work. My goal is to go at least 1/2 of exercise per day, with going to the gym at least 3 times a week. The Y has a whole bunch of classes, PLUS a pool and a huge excercise/weight room. Yahoo!!! Plus - I am purging my apartment of any teflon coated pans (thanks to my lovely new set of stainless steel pans!!)

Funny how excited I get over such little things!! Ha ha ha...

Volleyball last wednesday night was great! (although a little cloudy) ... here are some pictures!