My Slice of Life

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Another Great Week

Well, my regular postings seem to come once a week after volleyball.
It's been another great week. Had a fairly busy weekend, and got out for a lovely walk. On monday night I went to my first yoga class, which ended up being 2 hours long!!! Yikes! Afterwards I went for an 1.5 hour walk. Ok - so I was sore after, back achy, but it is sooooo nice to have time to be active again
On tuesday I attended our first AGM of ISPI. The event was focused on Career Changing and a new term called, Questers. Questers are people that voluntarily change their careers and jobs in a quest for fulfillment. WOW - now I know how to define myself!!! The AGM part went smoothly, and I'm on the executive board for another year.
And of course, volleyball was great, as always! Unfortunately, Amy has now left for work for the summer and her absense was noted. We have two new full-time members and so last night was all about our team getting used to our new make-up. All in all, we played fairly well.
Afterwards, another great night of drinks and chats.
I'm just loving this whole freedom from school thing!!!


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