My Slice of Life

Sunday, September 10, 2006


I'm sure you're wondering where I've been these last few weeks.

Well, 2 weekends ago I headed up island to visit Natasha and Earl, who are in Comox while waiting to find out if they will be able to go back into the US. And then last weekend I was in Vancouver for an extended long weekend.

It was really nice to get out of Victoria and actually get a chance to hang out with friends. I will definately admit that the lonely bug has been nibbling away at me lately. Which is the other place I've been.... in my head.

I've been spending a LOT of time pondering numerous things. Mostly my seeming inability to save any money... and the reasons why. I'm battling with the idea that my apartment is costing me a lot of money each month. Which leads to thoughts like "maybe I should move?" and "maybe I should get a roomate?" ... and I don't really know which way to sway. Or do I just stay put? How do people do it?

I've also been focusing on trying to get myself back on a healthy track. However, I seem to sabatoge myself at any chance I get! So what's the deal?????????

And of course, we are now into a real crunch time at work, and so I've been spending many hours there. The next couple of months at work are going to be insane!! I am going to be facilitating my first group on friday for what we call EPDP's (employee performance management) - the session is being held with the employees of one whole branch to introduce the concept of performance management and teach them the system. But before then I really need to learn it myself!!!!! I'll be doing a lot of these sessions in the next couple of months... plus holding a bunch of focus groups for our work force planning.

So, there you go... my MIA reasoning. =)
Next time I'll put up something a little more 'giggle-worthy'.