My Slice of Life

Sunday, June 25, 2006

1/2 way there

It's the morning of my move-in to my new place, my new life, here in Victoria.

The packing and emptying of my "Beach House" went smoothly, and I said my final goodbyes late on saturday afternoon. Then it was a very rushed trip out to Tswassen to catch the 7pm ferry.

Do you believe in Omens? I do...

I strongly believe that if you make a decision and many obsticals stand in your way, they are there to make you question that decision. They are screaming out to you to "think twice".

On the other hand, if everything seems to fall into place smoothly, and the path to your destination seems to open wide before you - then the world is telling you that you are doing the right thing. "Go this way and everything will be fine".

Well, everything has fallen into place so easily, that there is very little doubt in my mind that I am doing the right thing.

However, sitting on the ferry last night - having just left my home of 6 years, and all my friends and family - I admit I was questioning my decision. Ok, I admit that maybe, just maybe, there was a tear or two running down my cheek. And maybe, just maybe, there was a little voice inside me saying "Go Back!"

And just as the ferry was pulling out of the dock, and turning around to go on our way, we stopped. Was this a sign? Was I supposed to jump and swim back to the mainland? No - we had stopped to let a pod of Orcas pass by. They took a few leisurely circles of the ferry, spouted a little, then went on their way to find some dinner.

Yes, it was definately a sign. But I believe it was a sign saying that all was well. That I even have killer whales guiding my path. That I will be fine over here in Victoria. That it will be hard in the beginning, but that I will prosper.

So here I am, on my move-in day. Wide awake early in the morning, just waiting for it to become a respectable hour so that I can call my new landlords and head into town to take possession of my new apartment.


  • I hate you. Orcas guiding you to your future? Pfff. Just kidding. You just know how much I like killer whales. Love you Stace. So glad your Victoria chapter has started well. Wish me luck as we head to Red Hook.

    By Blogger Alexa, at 9:22 a.m.  

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