My Slice of Life

Thursday, June 08, 2006

From One Adventure to the Next

Well, as I write this I am sitting in my friend's apartment just north of LA.

This is adventure number two (number one, of course, was being at BCIT!!) But for the last week, this adventure has been disrupted by decisions to make about the next adventure that looms. What is this you ask?!? Well, I was offered two great positions. One in Vancouver, close to friends and family, and the other in Victoria, which was a project based position.

It was a really really really hard decision to make. Ideally I would have liked to have the Victoria position be in Vancouver, but that wasn't the case. But I still ended up going with it because:
  • when i first saw the job description, I thought "this is my dream job"
  • it had a better salary and benefits
  • I've lived in Victoria before, and know I could be quite happy there

But it means that I am leaving my friends and family behind. This scares me. At least they are close, right?!?

Now I have a bunch of things that need to get done, including finding a place to live, packing up my computer and moving!!! WOW.

I also want to make sure that I start taking some classes or something in Victoria as a way to meet people but also to keep me entertained. I've already been doing a little research (this is me we are talking about afterall) ... and I've found a belly dancing place! yipeeeeeee

So... here we go, off on another adventure I go!

I'll post details of my Cali trip once I'm home and have downloaded my pictures.


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