My Slice of Life

Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Final Push

So, we are now officially in the final push at school. I've nicknamed the upcoming week "hell week" but, really, when I look at what the next month looks like, well, its doesn't get much better. Take a look for yourself:

Mon - finalize and print direct studies paper
Tue – Occ. Health & Safety midterm
Wed – my Directed Studies project presentation and handing in our 100pg+ paper (this is our working thesis at BOBJ)
Thu – study for CHRP
Fri – study for CHRP
Sat – write CHRP (this is our certification exam and I need 70% to pass)
Sun – prepare for arbitration hearing
Mon – Arbitration hearing in front of a real arbitrator (think Vince Ready)
Tue – Write 20 page performance management audit paper
Thu – hand in 20 pager
Fri – Next three days – research and write paper on a benefits topic (don’t know the topic yet)
Sat - research paper
Sun – research paper
Mon – next four days, finish year long project called PROTECH
Tue - protech
Wed - protech
Thu - protech
Fri – last day of classes – both the research paper and Protech are due
Sat - study
Sun - study
Mon - study
Tue – exams
Wed - exams
Thu - exams
Fri – OMG SCHOOL”S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sat - Sleep & regain sanity
Sun – panic a little about not having a job yet
Mon – dinner with open house coworkers
Tue – FLY TO LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeee

Friday, April 14, 2006


There's been recent demands to know why I haven't been updating my blog so here I am.

The reasons abound as to what's been holding me back from writting on here, I've been super busy with school, and Open House which was on April 7 & 8. I've been spending so much time on computers that I'm trying not to spend a lot of my recreational time on here.

But that's really not the root cause.

I'm frustrated, exhausted and... well... quite honestly... just not feeling all that peppy lately. And I don't want to use this space to rant and rave - I use my journal for that. However, I know some of your will be wanting more details, so I will try to explain.

School is nearing its end.
  • Because of this it seems that everyone has stopped with the nicities and tempers are running a little short. During the Open House I was delivered some sharp comments and over heard things behind my back that I took to be quite hurtful. Apparently I've made some people unhappy. But I don't get why, 'cause I was just trying my best to act in a way that would be beneficial to 'the whole' rather than specific people. And, unfortunately the attitude that I got and the comments I overheard have drained me of everything I had to give. I'm fucking done. I know the people from school that I want to stay in contact with, and I know those who I'll be happy to see the backs of. Just get me the fuck out of there.
  • With the end being so real, so tangible my anxieties and insecurities about getting a job and whether or not I'll be able to handle a full time job have resurfaced. I know I have faults, I know that I am not perfect - but the reality of feeling limited by my health, the reality of feeling like I might not be able to cope or reach my dreams... well, its bloody terrifying.
  • And, with the end of school looming I have started to question what I should do next, and where, geographically, I should be. I've started to get wanderlust again. Places like the States, Europe, New Zealand and Japan have popped into my head. But is this just a way to run away from reality?

Of course, I'm also dealing with the reality of my physical being. Right now I am at the heaviest that I have ever been (or just about there). It's digusting. And I know on paper what I need to do about it. I need to eat less, eat healthier, and excercise more. I get that. I also get that it is super easy to say that. However, my reality is much different. For whatever reason, i just can't get myself to do it. Sure, I'll be good for a day or two... but then the exhaustion hits and all I can do is fight to get myself dressed, and out of the house to school. I hardly even have any clothes that fit me anymore. So how do I throw that switch to get back on track on a more permenant basis.

So, there you go. The mini rant to explain my absense. Hopefully my next post with ring with humor and joviality.