There's been recent demands to know why I haven't been updating my blog so here I am. The reasons abound as to what's been holding me back from writting on here, I've been super busy with school, and Open House which was on April 7 & 8. I've been spending so much time on computers that I'm trying not to spend a lot of my recreational time on here. But that's really not the root cause. I'm frustrated, exhausted and... well... quite honestly... just not feeling all that peppy lately. And I don't want to use this space to rant and rave - I use my journal for that. However, I know some of your will be wanting more details, so I will try to explain. School is nearing its end. - Because of this it seems that everyone has stopped with the nicities and tempers are running a little short. During the Open House I was delivered some sharp comments and over heard things behind my back that I took to be quite hurtful. Apparently I've made some people unhappy. But I don't get why, 'cause I was just trying my best to act in a way that would be beneficial to 'the whole' rather than specific people. And, unfortunately the attitude that I got and the comments I overheard have drained me of everything I had to give. I'm fucking done. I know the people from school that I want to stay in contact with, and I know those who I'll be happy to see the backs of. Just get me the fuck out of there.
- With the end being so real, so tangible my anxieties and insecurities about getting a job and whether or not I'll be able to handle a full time job have resurfaced. I know I have faults, I know that I am not perfect - but the reality of feeling limited by my health, the reality of feeling like I might not be able to cope or reach my dreams... well, its bloody terrifying.
- And, with the end of school looming I have started to question what I should do next, and where, geographically, I should be. I've started to get wanderlust again. Places like the States, Europe, New Zealand and Japan have popped into my head. But is this just a way to run away from reality?
Of course, I'm also dealing with the reality of my physical being. Right now I am at the heaviest that I have ever been (or just about there). It's digusting. And I know on paper what I need to do about it. I need to eat less, eat healthier, and excercise more. I get that. I also get that it is super easy to say that. However, my reality is much different. For whatever reason, i just can't get myself to do it. Sure, I'll be good for a day or two... but then the exhaustion hits and all I can do is fight to get myself dressed, and out of the house to school. I hardly even have any clothes that fit me anymore. So how do I throw that switch to get back on track on a more permenant basis.
So, there you go. The mini rant to explain my absense. Hopefully my next post with ring with humor and joviality.