My Slice of Life

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Skimming the Surface

Well, I had a pretty good weekend.

Went for a meander around Granville Island with Amy on saturday afternoon, and got a whole bunch of work done for the Open House on sunday.

Unfortunately I have just skimmed the surface of the amount of school work that I really should have gotten done this weekend. I know that I will make it thourgh this semester and that I will do well enough, but at this point I am just not to sure how I will get everything done that i need to be doing.

There is so much school work, including group work and readings, and I can barely motivate myself to get even one item off my list. I'm feeling really ... umm .. distracted - but by nothing in particular. Hopefully I am able to at least keep up this level and don't slip any further, 'cause then I just wont get anything done!!!!

But, at least I had a chance to get out and have some F U N.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Canada Federal Elections - Good Grief!!!

I can't say I am much of a political-beast. But, as I get older, I am getting somewhat more concerned with what happens in the political arena.

Well, tonight was concerning and scary. The Conservatives won a minority government. Ok - at least its a minority, so some of their most ridiculous ideas will get squashed. But... the face of Canada I think will now be scared permenantly.

And above all, I'm left wondering how long it will be before we go back to the polls again?

Saturday, January 21, 2006



For days now (weeks even) I've been fighting with my computer. You see, it had decided that it really didn't want to do any more school work, and didn't really care that I still have just over four months to get through. It was a battle of wills. And for a while, the computer - aka "the beast" - was winning.

But last night I snuck up on ' the beast' while it lay sleeping and slayed it into submission. Who knew that all it would take was one shinny "recovery disk"
and a little time?!?!?!

So, my beast has had its memory-wiped. And now I am spending my day inserting different media to brainwash it back to where it was before it got a life of its own.

The consequence to me? I've lost some data - including a lot of emails. But, at least its working again, and thank god I bought my external hard drive last summer and have been backing things up to it faithfully!!!

hmmmm.... I wonder if have a working computer will help bring up my grades?!?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Been A While...

Well, I suppose you've all been wondering where in the heck I've been.
Here's the short version of the story....

A little over a month ago, I was studying for finals. In my usual attired of fleece pjs, a cup of tea, and hunched over my desk, I was shadowed by the amount of work I had to do. I mean, 8 exams in 5 days?!?! Pure craziness!! Well, I sneezed causing the HUGE pile of books sitting on my desk toppled over, entirely covering me. I cried and cried for help, but to no avail. And that pile of books just wouldn't budge. I lay there helpless, surving on dust bunnies and drips from the radiator.

Now, you would think that after a while people would wonder where you were... and finally after quite sometime someone did. Of course, it was a bill collector wanting my money. He pounded and pounded on the door, and came back each day. So determined, he was, that when he heard my mewing for help from within he kicked down the door and stormed his way in. Brows furrowed, he loomed over me and yelled "the lengths some people will go to not pay their Christmas bills!!"

He only agree to release me from my cocoon if I paid off my balance - but at last I was rescued!!!

So here I am, sitting once again at my desk with books looming over me. However I am going to be a little more cautious to not get so swamped that I can't dig my way out. Possibly I will even be able to maintain so semblance of normalcy - however I doubt it. But I am going to endeavor to be more faithful in at least keeping you all updated to what's going on.