My Slice of Life

Saturday, August 06, 2005

What's the Polite Way ?

I'm sure this is something that has affected most of us at some point in our lifetimes, and been a bit unsure about what the proper protocol is...

So exactly what is the protocol when your neighbors are having regular loud distruptive sex?

No, no... this isn't just your regular odd bumping and moaning, this is full out sounds like bed is coming through my wall, and her screaming (must be a good time in there, eh?). And THEN I have to listen to them talk about it... what worked, what didn't work... apparently a while ago they used a video that was quite helpful. ha ha ha

I mean, good on them for having such a great sex life!! But this is starting to play havoc on my beauty sleep!!!

So what would you do?
* pound on the wall?
* leave a polite note?
* ask them only to 'do it' during specific hours (vs the middle of the night)?
* knock on their door while they are in the act and ask if everythings alright?
* pretend like you can't hear them?
* leave a gag on her door handle and hope she gets the hint?
* try to out do them? (this would be much easier if there was someone to 'out do them' with!)

Who knows. All I can say is that I've started changing my bed time to avoid being right beside them (ok with a paper thin wall in between)... I wait in my living room - where I can still hear them! - and then go to bed when they are done. But I can't avoid being woken up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.


  • leave them an annonymous note....polite....mention certain details you've accidently heard. That would be embarrasing!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:46 a.m.  

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