My Slice of Life

Monday, August 15, 2005

Wedding Low Down

As promised, here is the low down on Shane & Kim's wedding.
(see photos in previous post)

It was a fantastic night. I arrived in Victoria at around 12pm on saturday. The wedding ceremony was going to be at 2:30pm and so I was planning on checking into my hotel, getting ready at a leisurely pace and then heading over to the Ocean Pointe Resort where the big event was going to happen. Unfortunately my room wasn't ready yet - and the front desk girl said it would be another hour. So I went shopping. And what did I do?!?! I bought a new outfit to wear to the wedding. I had decided to just wear something that I had with me, but I saw this wonderful dress in the Bay and just had to have it. And I am so glad that I did because I love it!! So that took up my hour, and I headed back to the hotel, where I now was getting pressed for time. YIKES!!

After somewhat frantically getting ready I headed over to the Resort. The wedding ceremony was held out behind the hotel facing into the Inner Harbour of Victoria. What a beautiful setting!! And very public - which is very fitting if you know Shane & Kim =) It was very warm out, and I am sure that some of the men wearing heavy dark suits were sweltering, but once the bride walked down the aisel all was forgotten. Kim looked stunning - as you can see from the pictures - and Shane looked very hansome too.

After their "I DOs" they took off for a while to take photos and we were left to our own devices until dinner (at 6:30). A group of us headed inside to the bar, and thats where we stayed. Now... let me say... it is a real interesting mix of people (fun fun group) and I happened to be the only single girl there... to a ratio of maybe 10-12 single guys. Quite interesting indeed!!! One in particular seemed to take a liking to me (he was nice but not my type) and for the rest of the night was constantly by my side. Even to the point where people were thinking he was my boyfriend!!! URG!! More on that in a bit though. I always have an easier time hanging out with guys, so it was a really pleasant (laughs a lot) afternoon.

The reception was great. There were about 70 people in attendance (perfect size!!) and one thing I loved is that the MC introduced each table and the people at it. It really made it personal for everyone. Great touch! Dinner & desert was lovely, and the speaches - although some long winded - were great too. Having such a fun group of people made for a really enjoyable night, and Shane and Kim spent a lot of time mingling and hanging out - no pomp here!! We partied the night away until about 1:30am and then headed to bed.

Now, I must say that there were some cuties there (and not just the little kids!) but as I mentioned before I seemed to have picked up this guy (i've decided not to mention names) that, as more drinks were getting consumed, was getting more possesive of me and more 'handsy'. I'm not too sure what signals he thinks I gave him to make him think I was 'into him' or that it was OK for him to try to hold my hand... or have his hand on my knee when sitting. *sigh* I mean, when a girl moves away from you everytime you come up close to her, isn't it a clear signal that there isn't much interest there!?!? So, at the end of the evening he comes up behind me, puts his hand on my waist (?) and says "this may sound forward, but I look forward to coming back to your room after" WHAT?!?!?!!? Well, I thought my response was quite decent .. saying "yes it is forward, and good on you for trying, but it isn't going to happen... but thank you, I am very flattered"... I mean, really good for him for giving it a shot, I totally respect that and he's a really nice guy (less a few drinks), but just not my type. Plus, at this point in my life I am really not into a one night stand with a friend of a friend.

Needless to say, due to dealing with that situation most of the night, I didn't get too much of an opportunity to chat with other cuties. *sigh* Guess I am going to have to start going to their parties more often!!

Overall it was a FAB time, and I forgot how nice it was to just get out, dance, chat and have fun.


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