Looking at the calendar and seeing only 3 weeks left until I am back in the classroom sends shivers down my spine. I mean, hello!! Its only just getting sunny and warm! *sigh*
For some reason I am in a bit of a reflective mood today. Possible because I got together with the gals for a "bridesmaid pow-wow session" last night (ok - more like a gab session) - but my mind has been spending a lot of time thinking about the list of this I wanted to accomplish this summer and where I'm at with it. The list was:
- Go on weekly hike to different destinations
- Swim at Kits pool at least three times a week
- Go camping at least once
- Finish my 4x4 leaf painting
- Do a couple new paintings
- Go out on some "photo taking" adventures
- Repaint bathroom
- Catch-up with Ian, Yosef, Kelly and other friends I have fallen out of touch with
- Go out on a few dates - possibly have a 'fling' (even better if it was more than a fling)
Of course, there's always more... but that's the list that I had actually wrote out for myself (umm.. have I admitted to being a list maker in any of my previous posts?). So where do I stand? Well, not very far - YIKES - I've worked on my leaf painting but am not happy with it yet. I have yet to decide on what to do with my bathroom, so the wall is still bare. I've gone on a few photo taking adventures - but they haven't ranged very far from my little abode. As for the other items - nadda. Needless to say, it's been a pretty quiet summer.
So, now onto my fall list! I think that if I put it up on here, I will feel more accountable to actually do the things I state (because otherwise you'll all ride my ass about them, right?!?)
- Go to gym (for weight and cardio training) 3 times a week for 1/2-1 hour at least
- At least once a week partake in some sort of social/physical activity outside of school
- Not get back into eating junk food once I'm back at school
- Retain some "me time" everyday, even while in school
- "Retreat" one weekend either to Whistler, or one of the islands
- "Go out" sometime - in a situation that has nothing to do with weddings =)
- Find humour is day to day situations (possibly taking pics of funny daily activities? I'm still formulating this idea)
- Still read for pleasure - not just text books
- Keep posting on my blog
- Keep in better contact with friends (this could blend into going out)
So there you have it. Any and all encouragement to stay on track is greatly appreciated. And, or course if you'd like to help me with any items on this list, just let me know!!
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