My Slice of Life

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lack of Roots

I realized over the weekend that since B & I moved in together last August, I've had very few stretches where I have actually been at home. Sure, most of the time I've been back and forth from Vancouver... but I've yet to settle into our little apartment and make it 'my space' ... better yet our space!

So that brings up the question of what do people need in order to feel they are settled and have roots?

I've been craving B & I getting our own home and getting out of our apartment. I've been craving space, especially outdoor space and closets. It's where I see myself settling... my clutter hidden in the closets and the out door space giving me a place to escape to.

When I close my eyes, I envision many things about B & I's future home...
- an entrance way with jackets hanging from a cute coat rack
- a warm and cozy living room that has a fireplace and book shelves
- rich colors, either on the walls or through a beautifully weathered hardwood floor
- a kitchen that is inviting, smells of fresh and healthy food, pots hanging from the ceiling, a fresh bowl of fruit on the counter
- a kitchen table that has a vase with flowers
- clean lines and character
- a lack of clutter
- photos and collections of items from our adventures, and eventually framed hand prints and art from the little beings we create
- an office for him and for me
- a guest room
- a patio that we gather on in the evenings to enjoy a BBQ
- eventually a small studio on the property where I can escape and paint and create

That's where I see myself putting down my roots.

For now I have to learn how to continue and live... perhaps even thrive... on this space I'm in where I seem to live in two cities, perpetually unpacking and repacking my suitecase. Not having the ability to sign up for courses and take on other responsibilities.

If only the economy was in a different place... I would look for something that allowed me to really focus on what matter and creating those dreams that I can see and taste but not yet hold.

Monday, February 16, 2009

She's Back

Well, after quite a reprieve from the world of blogging (mainly due to life taking over and me forgetting my password) I'm now back up and running.

Life has been strumming along, include the good, the great, the bad and the ugly. It's amazing what you can handle when you let yourself. In the past year I've been on an absolute roller coaster, including finding my soulmate and losing my dad.

Perhaps I'm gravitating back to blogging because of the need for an outlet. Perhaps I'm just feeling verbose.

I'm really excited for what this year will bring and I can't wait for you to follow me along!

Until then. SM

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Friendships always amaze me. I'm truely lucky... dare I say blessed with the close friends that I have in my life.

You know the kind, where you don't have to see each other all the time, or even be in regular contact, but when you get together it just fits. You instantly are back in a comfortable zone around each other. You get each other, even if you don't chat much.

My long weekend was spent with one of my dearest friends and her family. It occurred to me during the weekend, as I watched her get
stressed out around her folks, but didn't try to hide it or play 'a part' around me just how close we are. We don't need to be fake - we are just US, for better or worse. And I realized, in more formal terms that really Natasha (and Alexa) are my sisters by choice.

I unconditionally love them and 'theirs'. Cutie-pie Xander (the photos shown here) is my nephew, even though we don't share any of the same genetics, I don't care.

We except each other for who we are. Which means sometimes we
forget to do things like tell our observations or try to 'help' because in our long history together we've usually 'been down that path before'. But that's okay.

So, like this past weekend, if all we get is a taste of each other, a chance to hang around in the presence of the other person, but not really spend a lot of one-on-one time... well I find it still recharges me. I can only hope it does the same for those two people in my life that I would consider my soul-sisters.

Natasha and Alexa, I know I hardly ever say this... but I love you two with all my heart, and I miss you.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Yay for Long Weekends!!!

The clock ticks minute by minute... teasing you.
Slowly the office clears of its inhabitants.
Time seems to be bending, slowing to the point of agony.
Then, its there so close you can taste it.
The freedom of a long weekend.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Yes, its another Post!!

Can you believe it?? Here's yet another post from the world of Stacey Leigh... stunning really. Just thought I'd share a little photographic fun from my ferry ride. I love the feel of my camera in my hands so much, the view of the world through that tiny lens (or LCD screen). Why don't i pick up my camera more often? Yes yes... i know, i should really... so I'll add it to my summer list. More photos. What a treat! ... but for now... yesterday's ferry ride.

Me (surprise of all surprises) on the "aft" of the ferry.

My Baker in the distance. I just love the hulk of the mountain against the sky.

Pender Island

The sky was sooo dark, except for a few bright patches... these really don't do it justice!

The sunshine coast mountains in the distance..

That dark ominous landscape that sends shivers down my spine.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Feeling Mused.....

I seem to have been touched by a muse of sorts and am feeling the urge to bore all those that dare to read my blog with some random occurrences, thoughts and observations (dare i even say.. musings?). <>

Sure, i might not be on holidays, but the everyday can hold some 'moments' as well.

Take a simple drive out to the ferry for example. Speeding along the Pat Bay highway, belting out Sarah McLaughlan - and i'm comfortable to admit, belting it out off key - and i notice something strange about the car beside me. However, being the good driver that i am <> i dare not to take a hard look until we hit a stop light. Glancing over I can't quite make sense of what i am seeing. It's the normal scene... red car, lady sitting in the drivers seat, singing along to music (perhaps even Sarah too).. but something is different... there is, within the confines of the car, a blue blur. Then it stops and lands on her shoulder. A blue budgie... a blue flippin' budgie flying around the inside of her car while she drives along the highway... YIKES!!! And they say me talking on the cell phone, eating a donut and reading the newspaper is bad thing! ;)

A strange and wonderful thing that i've found i draw into my life is killer whale sightings while on the BC Ferries. I have seen killer whales every single trip while its killer whale season. Tonight was no different. The crackly announcer comes on over the intercom... "Lad..ies... nd... Ge...en... whales.... starboard..." ... then one would think the whole ship is about to tip over as the hoard of tourist flood to the one side, cameras in hand, eyes peering out into the grey waves. Usually there is one person that squeels "over there!" and all heads turn to that point in unison ... some stragglers trying to figure out where "there" actually is. I admit, it gets me too... though I usually hover on the outside playing the part of the 'slightly bored local who thinks its just ho-hum' while inside my heart is absolutely singing. There is something spiritual about seeing those magestic beasts, even if its just a fin off in the distance. The notion of them swimming our vast oceans, having a culture all to themselves... well its romantic.

The night i moved back to Victoria, i was sitting on the ferry, my heart pounding in my chest, my mind screaming at me to make sense of this leap of faith that i was taking. I was deeply doubting my choice to take the job, to uproot. Then the boat had to stop to let a pod of whale pass. They were very close, and we all stood out on the deck watching them breach and play - Vancouver and the mountains in the distance - and i knew i was doing the right thing. Once the ferry got underway again, i sat out on the deck and cried with relief at being given a sign that this path was right.

That was almost exactly a year ago - June 22 2006 to be exact. Seeing the whales guide my trips so regularly just keeps me reminded of that feeling, and secure in the knowledge that for now i am meant to be where i am. It's comforting.

Update First..

Wow.. it's been a while since i've updated... so here's the quicky.

Didn't take the job... was 'convinced to stay' and have been smokin' busy ever since... but funnily enough i'm pretty happy - tired but happy.

Spent a week in Toronto getting my Myers Briggs qualification and it's turned me into a personality typing daemon... watch out!! Although I've got to say that being aware of mine and others types is really helpful.

I'm trying my best to figure out a great adventure for the summer.... am open to suggestions!!!

Anyhooo.... onto the bigger and better post...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

New Job (?)

Well, a lot has been happening in the last little while. And no, i'm not going to use that as an excuse for not keeping this more up to date - instead i'll just add a bit of a rambling.

It looks like Stacey Leigh will be staying in Victoria for a while longer. Why you ask? Well, actually, i'm really starting to settle in now, and am LOVING the fact that the weather is much better here (hee hee). Plus it looks like i will be starting a new job very shortly with the Ministry of Forests & Range as a Strategic HR Planner. I had an interview last week and they've said that they were really impressed and would be offering it to me once my references checked out.

I'm really excited about it, as the scope and reach of the position is much greater than what i am doing right now. Its really exciting - but ABSOLUTELY petrifying at the same time. Apparently in my 'old age' i've become a lot more cautious about change. Or maybe its just that i've been dealing with so much change that i'm saturated. Whatever it is, i've been struggling a bit with mentally wanting to 'stick to the devil you know' eventhough in reality i know this move will be a really really good one.

With the summer approaching I've really been thinking about what i want to do this year. I'll be hitting the volleyball courts again, and am SUPER excited about that, plus i want to focus on myself a little and get back into decent shape (its time i stopped making excuses). Other things I am thinking of... learning to ride a motorcycle, taking a PSP Course, and starting to belly dance again... just to name a few. Not to mention get out and have fun!!

And of course, hopefully I'll travel a bit too. =)