My Slice of Life

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Spring, Snow, Ethiopian Food, & Decisions

Well, its time to get excited! Why? Because its spring break!!!!!!

Its amazing how one year can make such a difference. This time last year Jon and I had just broken up and I was escaping to see Natasha and Earl in California. At that time I so desperately wanted to get out of Vancouver, I was stressed to the max, and really just needed to vege out for a while.

Not so much this time around. This year I'm really happy to stay in Vancouver and just have a week off of classes. I've got a tonne of stuff going on next week, and I wouldn't want to miss it all. Ok, so I'm not saying that I wouldn't love to be on a beach somewhere - but that can wait. For now I have some work to do, an interview, and friends to catch up with.

But, all those plans may be tossed in the air if the current weather pattern sticks around for too long. Yesterday we woke up to snow!! Yes, that's right, that wierd white stuff that terrifies all Vancouver drivers (myself included). Today its gorgeous and sunny, but really? Doesn't the weather get that its time for winter to go away?????

To start off our break in style Amy, Roger and I went to this Ethiopian restaurant called Nyala. Its just down the road from my place and was soooo yummy! We had goat, ostridge and lamb - the whole premise is that you get this flat bread and you use it to scoop up the stewed meat. So it's a little messy - but did I mention how yummy it is? mmmmmmm.... I would highly recommend it. However, with appies and wine thrown in there it ended up being a little on the pricey side. Next time I go, it will be for their vegetarian buffet (which is only $10.95).

The big thing that I need to sort out over the next week is whether or not I truely want to be offered the Resident Advisor position at BCIT. I had my interview on tuesday night and I feel like I did pretty well and have a good chance of being offered the position. But ever since, I've been pondering whether or not its something that I want to do. The killer is that there is no super strong pro or cons (but a lot of each), and my gut isn't really giving me any hints right now. Maybe the whole fact that I am waffling is a hint? But the thing is that I have been waffling all week about any decision I'm facing - so I don't think its just this.

How on earth do you figure something out like this? I could make pros and con lists to my hearts content and it wouldn't help. I've talked to people about it and it hasn't helped. So what now?

The crazy thing is that I am spending all this energy on mulling it over without even knowing for sure if they are going to offer me the position. However, I don't want to be offered it and then turn it down. Or worse, I don't want to take it and then realize I made the wrong choice.


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