A Mosaic of Random Thoughts
I wanted to make sure that I am keeping up my blogging (even on a limited scale)... so here are some random thoughts and happening from the last 2 weeks.
Christmas Holidays:
- It has reached its boiling point. People are starting to get snippy and arguing... some have even been brought to tears. I haven't quite gotten there yet (although I have had the opportunity) but i've certainly been a little more punchy over the last week.
- Group work is SUPER HEAVY right now. I mean SUPER. For example... its sunday morning, and I am about to head to school for a full day's group meeting. Yesterday i was at school for 9 hours with groups... and every night this week I am meeting with groups. It is insane!!! I don't quite know how or when our instructors think that we are able to still do readings and individual group work. I just can't believe it. But... i also know we will get through it.
- My eating habits are getting bad again. Its mostly due to the fact that I am never home to cook myself a nice meal (then giving me nice leftovers). And if I am home... I am soooo drained that I don't want to cook anyhow.
- I've been pondering the idea of signing up for one of those "meal delivery" places so at least I would be getting healthy food to grab and go. However, they are really expensive, and I am not sure that I would even end up eating what they gave me. However I really need to find a way to up my vegetable intake again... sigh.. hopefully I'll get back on track at Christmas time.
Christmas Holidays:
- I so desperately want to have an adventure at Christmas time. For the last couple of weeks I have been racking my brain trying to think of creative places to go and do. The best yet is a tour of Spain & Portugal for 14 days... however I think I would be drained at the end, not refreshed (not to mention poor!) New York is too far for the amount of time I would spend there, and I am realizing now, so is LA because Natasha's parents arrive on the 20th (only really giving me 2-3 days). So I think I am facing the facts that it is going to be another quiet holiday in town. Hopefully I'll be able to stick within my budget then! =)
- The other day I got an offer, from Sask & Chris, to sublet my place for the spring. We would move over the holidays, and it would give me a chance to (a) move closer to BCIT for the term, or (b) move home and save money. It's definately an intriguing offer, but I'm still pondering it because I am not sure if moving for 5 months is worth it. The scale keeps tipping back and forth.
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